Photo: The Ultimate Ars-Sonum Filarmonía XP Universum Series Stereo Integrated Tube Amplifier
Strive for Perfection
Perseverance in the Duty and the Commitment to do things Well
Filarmonía XP Universum
The Ultimate Filarmonía versatile version capable of handling from 4 to 8 ohm impedance loudspeakers seamlessly.
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Filarmonía Classic
Updated and upgraded (with new output transformers) version of the Classic Filarmonia Integrated Amplifier, with Mundorf Mcap Supreme Silver in Oil coupling capacitors in the first stage, and Mundorf Mcap Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil in the rest of stages. Also available in the Golden Age edition with special components for high performance vintage high impedance loudspeakers
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Filarmonía XTC
Special and Limited Edition: Push-Pull Triode Pure Class A. Zero Global Feedback. Silver Faceplate with the exclusives brass polished knobs. Mundorf Mcap Supreme Silver in Oil coupling capacitors in the first stage, and Mundorf Mcap Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil in the rest of stages.
*Special product only upon request. Please contact us for more information.
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Gran Filarmonía XF Universum
Updated version of the Gran Filarmonia Integrated Amplifier capable of handling from 4 to 8 ohm impedance loudspeakers seamlessly. Includes VCap CuTf (Copper/Teflon) coupling capacitor in the first stage, and Mundorf Supreme Silver/Gold/Oil in the rest of stages.
*Special product only upon request. Please contact us for more information.
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